Tuesday, October 12, 2010

4 month stats

I took Avery to the doctor yesterday for her 4 month appointment. The doctor commented how she was the happiest baby she had seen in a long time. That made me feel good. She was chatty and trying to eat the paper that was on the table. She took her shots like a pro! Cried for a couple minutes, but who wouldn't. After getting her Bugs Bunny band aids and a bottle, she was good to go! Slept through the night too! Score!
Here are her stats:
Weight: 15lbs which puts her in the 75th percentile.
Height: 25" which puts her in the 73th percentile. She gets that from her daddy.
Head size: 42.5cm which keeps her in the 85th percentile. This is from mommy, of course.

Overall she is a healthy and happy baby. She has to go get an ultrasound on her hip tomorrow. Her cousin Aly had hip dysplasia and she has "uneven buttfolds" which is sometimes a sign. She doesn't think there is anything wrong but wants to get an ultrasound just to double check.


  1. She is so photogenic! Love her! Can't believe she's already 4 months old.

  2. Uneven buttfolds. That's one for the babybook! haha. Way to grow Avery! And kudos to mommy for raising a happy little girl. :)
