Tuesday, April 27, 2010

34 1/2 weeks

I'm running out of room! Or rather, she's running out of room! That doesn't seem to stop her from moving around and stretching her limbs. According to the websites, she is the size of a honeydew and the length/weight of a Costco sheet cake. Random, I know.

Went to the MD yesterday. I thought I was so smart in thinking that her head was by my ribs and she was kicking my hips. He felt the upper part of my belly for about 2 seconds and said, "Nope, she's flipped, getting into position. That's her butt way up there". Sure enough, he broke out a quick ultrasound and saw that she is indeed head down. Now that explains all the pressure I've been feeling on my bladder during the day and everytime I get up.

One thing that has been fairly consistent as far as symptoms is my backpain. It's been pretty dang bad. Sitting doesn't help, standing doesn't either, driving makes it worse. So it's always a lovely combination the fact that I have a 2 hour commute everyday and sit down in a desk for 8 hours and my feet are too swollen to walk. I posed the idea to my MD about going out earlier than planned. His response, "Do you want me to sign that today was your last day?" Haha. I decided that May 7th would be my last day instead. It would still give me 4 weeks pre-maternity time and the break I need. I'm so excited for the leave!

Since last update I've had one of my showers. I was so grateful to everyone that came. We had a great time and Avery will be one stylin' kid :). I have another shower on May 8th for San Diego people that I'm also looking forward to. jason and I also took our babymoon. We went to Vegas, Grand Canyon and Red Rock Canyon. It was a short 3 day weekend but it was great to get away and spend some time together.

It's been a great ride, but we're ready to meet her!

Things to look forward to in the next couple of weeks:
- My birthday!
- Breastfeeding class.
- Tour of the hospital.
-Maternity leave.
- Second shower.


  1. DUDE! Another list and still no mention of SATC:2 haha - CRAZY you only have 38 more days - these last few weeks have flown! I'm excited for you and your maternity leave!

  2. Next couple of weeks. You're the end of next month. I wasn't forgetting. I just gotta get through a week or two at a time!

  3. Glad you guys got to do a babymoon. I rememeber wanting to cram in all the us time we could get too, and then also feeling just ready to meet my little boy. Its just too exciting! Bummer about the backpain though. :( Does taking advil help or anything?

    P.S. HAPPY 30TH!!
