I haven't written since I've been on maternity leave which is surprising since I've had some extra freetime. At first I was busy nesting/cleaning. I had guests in town, Jason was out of town, etc. My main goal was not to go into labor while Jason was in Key West. Unfortunately, that time did call for me to do some massive cleaning. Luckily, I did not go into labor. At 36 weeks, I was 50% effaced and was not dilated.
Jason made it home safely after enjoying a wonderful wedding of our friends Jeremy and Jenny. At week 37, I was 75% effaced and 1 cm dilated. My doctor thought from the progress I made in that week that I was considered "due anyday" and to watch for signs and symptoms. The next week I took is fairly easy, while still having the nesting bug. 38 week there was no change. My doctor still said that he didn't think I'd make it to my due date. I think Avery is calling his bluff.
This past week I've been trying to do everything to make some progress. My nesting this past week has been out of control! From cleaning the house windows and screens to rearranging and cleaning my kitchen...my house is pristine! I've never been more happy with how the house looks...and I know it won't last long with a new baby being around...but for now I'm happy with it. I also took to drinking raspberry leaf tea, made some "labor cookies", trying some other suggested methods which I won't discuss on here, and trying to take long walks. I can tell I'm making progress, but not enough to get her out!
I know, I know. I'm impatient. She should be here within the next 3 or so days. Why rush it? I don't know. Can I say I'm sick of being pregnant? Not so much. By all accounts and purposes this has been a really easy pregnancy. Do I want to meet her? Heck yah! Am I looking forward to not getting sleep? Heeeecccck no. It's very odd but in the past few months I've slept better than before I was pregnant. I'm not ready to give that up. Am I impatient? YES! I want to show her off :). And I know this sounds cheesy, but I want to meet the little person that Jason and I created :).
3 days. Prepare for LOTS of pictures. Until then, heres some full term, almost 40 week belly pictures! I didn't even attempt to look "cute" for these. Enjoy!
This was my attempt to get Heidi in the belly shot, but she wasn't being very cooperative.
Thats not cheesy at all you've been making her a LONG time of course you want to show her off!!! :) And you better with an obscene amount of pictures :) iPhone upload directly to facebook ;-) mere seconds after she's born. hehe